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For the ones choosing to age gracefully and remain "forever young", Elephantal Wellness' VITALI-TEA Herbal Blend is made for you. Made up of over 40 different vitamins, amino acids, minerals and antioxidants. This herbal tea is "elephantally" abundant in antioxidants to reduce allergic and/or inflammatory reactions, regulate oxidative stress, provides antimicrobial and antiviral properties. All that while working hard to protect the body against free radicals which can lead to severe illnesses by lowering the amount of available lipids - ensuring the health of the cardiovascular system.


Vasodilators like ginkgo biloba allow the capillaries to relax, which enables them to carry more blood. Additionally, VITALI-TEA makes the blood vessels less "sticky" by keeping platelets divided to reduce the chance of a blood clot forming. LDL, the "bad" cholesterol, is kept from clumping up on blood vessel wall surfaces, allowing the blood vessels and arteries to stay wide open for maximum blood flow.


Cinnamon helps to minimize insulin resistance as well as reducing blood sugar levels by enhancing insulin production along with heightening its level of sensitivity within the muscles. Inflammation and swelling is a common issue among the aging, so amazing anti-inflammatory herbs like ashwagandha and sage are used to back-up the immune system with their anti-fungal, antiviral, anti-microbial bioenergetic properties.

To keep us sharp, we have consisted of natural herbs, like Holy Basil, to improve circulation to the brain and secure against problems that impact memory and also cognition. VITALI-TEA's herbal tea blend can decrease random bouts of anxiousness as well as everyday stress by minimizing cortisol levels - which is known as the stress hormone.

Earthy, bold flavor with hints of sweet spice


PriceFrom $15.00
  • Ingredients: Ashwagandha Root, Cinnamon, Goji Berry, Holy Basil Leaf, Sage Leaf, Turmeric, Ginkgo Biloba Leaf, Green Tea Leaf

    1. 1 - 2 tsp steeped with a cup of boiling water for 10 minutes or longer
    2. Can re-steep herbs 2-3 times

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